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Bethesda Center for Dental Sleep Medicine & TMJ Therapy Blog

4 Tips to Help You Prepare for a Sleep Test

April 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:02 pm
writing on notebook in bed

Are you a chronic snorer? Do you wake up feeling more tired than before you went to bed, or do you struggle to stay awake during the day? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you may want to consider visiting a doctor who specializes in this area to find out what is going on. Over time, low-quality sleep can take a real toll on your health. The specialist may recommend a sleep test in a lab to aid in diagnosis – keep reading to find out how to prepare if this is the recommendation for you. 


The Curious Connection Between Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea

April 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:13 pm
Man snoring because of his sleep apnea.

Every night, millions of people miss out on countless hours of sleep due to sleep apnea; and even worse, many more cases go completely undiagnosed! But what causes this condition and why is it so prevalent? In reality, there are many factors to consider—but among them is weight gain. In fact, weight gain and sleep apnea share a very curious connection that’s much more complex than you might realize. Keep reading to learn more from your sleep dentist about this correlation and what you can do to help keep your weight and your sleep apnea under control.


Is Sleep Apnea the Reason You’re Tired?

March 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — tntadmin @ 3:16 am

Woman sitting up in bedMany people underestimate the importance of a good night’s rest. Sure, a strong cup of coffee or an afternoon nap can help combat fatigue, but it can take a toll on your health and quality of life. While it’s normal to have a bad night occasionally, ongoing fatigue can be a sign of more than a bad mattress. If you’re not getting up in the morning feeling refreshed, your stages of sleep are likely being interpreted, but by what? Unfortunately, it can indicate a serious underlying problem, like sleep apnea. 


Consumer Sleep Trackers: Just How Accurate Are They?

March 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:13 pm
Woman sleeping in white bedspread

Are you part of the 10% of adults in the US who regularly use wearable sleep tracking technology? Whether it’s a smart watch, ring, or a different device, millions of people rely on the data they provide in search of a better, more restful night of sleep. However, have you ever asked yourself exactly how reliable this technology is? Read on to learn about the downside of consumer sleep trackers, plus the benefits of seeing a sleep dentist for professional sleep testing and treatment.

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